Continuous tense. The following questions will help you to organize your writing: (Напиши открытку своему другу. Примерный образец открытки ты можешь прочитать ниже. Обязательно включи в открытку приветствие и завершающие предложения. ИСПОЛЬЗУЙ НАСТОЩЕЕ ДЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ ВРЕМЯ –PRESENT CONTINUOUS. Следующие вопросы тебе написать текст открытки. И ещё, внимательно прочитай критерии оценивания письменного задания) - What are you doing at the moment?
- Where are you staying?
- What’s the weather like?
- What are you going to do this evening/ tomorrow?
Explanation: The speaker is expressing their intention or plan to begin making their own bread in the future.
2) Rachel is not going to use a recipe for her cake.
Explanation: The speaker is stating that Rachel does not intend to use a recipe when making her cake.
3) Are we going to have pizza or pasta tonight?
Explanation: The speaker is asking about the plans for dinner, specifically whether pizza or pasta will be served.
4) They are not going to eat fast food anymore.
Explanation: The speaker is stating that the group referred to will no longer consume fast food in the future.
5) What are you going to have for the main course?
Explanation: The speaker is asking about the person's intended choice for the main course of a meal.
6) He is going to book the restaurant for 8 o'clock.
Explanation: The speaker is stating that someone will make a reservation at a restaurant for the specified time of 8 o'clock.
7) Are you going to try that new dish she made?
Explanation: The speaker is asking if someone plans on trying the new dish that another person has prepared.
8) Where are you going to do your cookery course?
Explanation: The speaker is asking about the location where someone will participate in their cookery course.