1. The girls asked what he was going to do with all the things he had left.
2. A tall man with an American accent said that he didn't know what she meant.
3. Vicki told him just to think.
4. She advised him to think about those bits of glass that he had left from his bottles of juice, of all those cola cans and to think about how ugly the place would look littered like that.
5. A woman with a little hat on said that the young lady was right.
6. She said that they couldn't leave that rubbish there.
1. It is connected to a console either witelessy or with an HDMI cable
2. It sends two images which appear on a display for us to on, one for each eye
3.The headset tracks our movements and changes what we see on the display
4. VR headset covers your eyes and ears completely, making sure that the real world doesn't intrude. Also on the headset are headphones that block out the noise of the virtual environment
5. In the future, we will also have bodysuits or sensors that pass on sensations to complete the experience of the virtual environment
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