1. I have been waiting for you since 2 o’clock.
Я жду тебя с 2 часов.
2. He has been working here for 15 years already.
Он работает здесь уже 15 лет.
3. She has been reading for 2 hours already.
Она читает уже 2 часа.
4. Wake up! You have been sleeping for ten hours already.
Вставай! Ты спишь уже десять часов.
5. Yesterday the librarian has been giving me the book which I have been waiting for two months. I was very glad.
Вчера библиотекарь дала мне книгу, которую я ждал два месяца. Я был очень рад.
6. How long they have been playing tennis when it started to rain?
Как долго они играли в теннис, когда начался дождь?
7. When I entered the room they have been writing a test for half an hour already.
Когда я вошел в комнату, они писали тест уже полчаса.
8. He is very tired. He has been playing football.
Он очень устал. Он играл в футбол.
9. They have been living in this town for three years when their son came back home.
Они прожили в этом городе три года, когда их сын вернулся домой.
10. When he got up from the table, his eyes hurt and his head was going to burst. He has been reading up for the exam.
Когда он встал из-за стола, у него заболели глаза и его голова трещала. Он читал перед экзаменом.
по братски ❤❤❤
с английским,
Напишіть свою думку про музику, яка є важливою частиною вашого життя? Чому? Що для вас краще: слухати музику або грати на музичному інструменті - музи…
найти глаголы в кажответ:
1. Good morning. How can I help you?
2. Good morning. I am looking for a birthday
present for a friend.
1. Is it for a girl or a boy?
2. It's for my friend James. He is twelve
1. What does your friend like doing in him
free time?
2. He likes playing sports and meeting
1. What about a roller skates then?
2. That's a good idea. How much are they?
1.This costs €25.
2. I'm afraid that's too expensive. I only have
1. Let me see. Does he like play tennis?
2. Yes, he loves play badminton and tennis.
1. How about this table tennis set? It's
only €11.
2. That's fantastic. I'll take it.
1. Would you like me to wrap it?
2. Yes please.