Я думаю тебе стоит пойти заниматься спортом. Спорт оздоравливает тело и дух если заниматься этим серьёзно и не прогуливать тренировки то можно ещё и заработать на этом денег разъезжая по тренировкам и соревнованиям.Попробуй убедить родителей что тебе это нужно.
Moscow Russia 06/20/2012 Dear friend, I think you should go in for sports.Sports heals the body and spirit if you do it seriously and do not skip training, you can still make money on this money traveling around for training and competitions. Try to convince your parents that you need it.
Задание 1. 1. If the tickets for the concert are expensive, we will not go there. 2. If I go to university, I will study medecine. 3. If he becomes a doctor, he will earn a good salary. 4. If I have a lot of money, I will make business.
Задание 2. 1. If I had my own car, I would give you a lift. 2. If the programme was interesting, we would stay at home and watch it. 3. If I saw him, I would give him money back 4. If he had a guitar, he would learn playing
Задание 3. 1. My father said that he was working all day long. 2. I said that they had done the work on time. 3. My friend said his father was a doctor. 4. The girl asked where was the library? 5. The shop assistant said that this shirts were very cheap.
если перевод, то:
Какие твои планы на лето? Я слышала о великолепное волонтёрской программе. Что там делают? Главная цель – это смотреть за пингвинами.