Past Simple
1 The classical economists regarded money as no more than a medium of exchange.
2 Economic conditions changed all the time.
3 That year the results were not very pleasing.
4 I usually attended a meeting of that committe.
5 The worker almost never made a complete product.
6 Constant repetition led to a great dexterity.
7 The large industrialized countries accounted for a large proportion of international trade.
Future Simple
1 The classical economists will regard
2 Economic conditions will change
3 Next year the results won't be very pleasing.
4 I will attend the meeting of that committee.
5 The worker will almost never make a complete product.
6 Constant repetition will lead to
7 The large industrialized countries will account for a large proportion of international trade.
Past Simple
1 The classical economists regarded money as no more than a medium of exchange.
2 Economic conditions changed all the time.
3 That year the results were not very pleasing.
4 I usually attended a meeting of that committe.
5 The worker almost never made a complete product.
6 Constant repetition led to a great dexterity.
7 The large industrialized countries accounted for a large proportion of international trade.
Future Simple
1 The classical economists will regard
2 Economic conditions will change
3 Next year the results won't be very pleasing.
4 I will attend the meeting of that committee.
5 The worker will almost never make a complete product.
6 Constant repetition will lead to
7 The large industrialized countries will account for a large proportion of international trade.
a fable
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