Joseph Addison (1672-1719) - English essayist, poet and statesman. He was educated at Charterhouse, where he was a classmate of Richard Steele, Oxford, who became a respected classical scholar. His trip to the continent from 1699 to 1703 were recorded in the "Remarks in Italy" (1705). Edison was first achieved fame thanks to the product of "Campaign" (1704), an epic poem celebrating the victory of Marlborough in Blenheim. The poem was commissioned by Lord Halifax, and as a result of the great success of Edison in 1705 appointed to public office, and in 1709 about working as a secretary Lieutenant of Ireland. He also had a seat in parliament from 1708 until his death.
Аддисон Джозеф (1672-1719) - английский эссеист, поэт и государственный деятель. Он получил образование в Чартерхаусе, где был одноклассником Ричарда Стила, в Оксфорде, который стал уважаемым классическим ученым. Его поездки на континент с 1699 до 1703 были записаны в “Примечания в Италии” (1705). Эдисон впервые достиг известности благодаря произведению “Кампания” (1704), эпическая поэма празднует победу на Мальборо в г. Бленеме. Стихотворение было выполнено по заказу лорда Галифакса, и в результате большого успеха Эдисона назначают в 1705 на государственную должность, и уже в 1709 в о работает в качестве секретаря лейтенанта Ирландии. Он также имел место в парламенте с 1708 года вплоть до своей смерти.
John Lennon was born in Liverpool hospital on Oxford Street, in the family of Julia Lennon (née Stanley) and Alfred Lennon during a Nazi air raid. Julia's sister, Mary ("Aunt Mimi") Smith, made its way into almost four kilometers to the hospital through the dark streets, her way lit only by the flash of the explosions. Born a boy named after the paternal grandfather, the second name was given in honor of Winston Churchill. John's father during the war he worked as a sailor on a merchant vessel, and therefore rarely at home, but regularly sent money to Julia, who lived with her son in the house number 9 on the Newcastle Road. However, in 1943, Lennon Sr. went AWOL, and stopped sending money home. A year later, he returned home and invited Julie to live together, but she was pregnant by another man, refused. Under considerable pressure from his sister Mimi Julia gave her a child. In July 1946, Alfred visited Mimi and took his son to Blackpool, hoping to flee with him to New Zealand. Julia followed her ex-husband and son, and after a feverish altercation father gave five-year John to choose which parent he left. John Alfred picked twice, but when Julia began to leave, the boy with tears ran after her. After that, the father and son lost the connection to the heyday of "Beatlemania."