What is each paragraph about? •greeting, where people are/stay •plans for tomorrow •fixed arrangements for today •closing remarks класс английский язык
Once, I met my girlfriend Lisa in the park. She was going to the library. She had a few books in her hands. We sat down on a bench. Lisa told me that she had read the book and remembered an interesting story. It was a book by A. Green called "Crimson Sails". It tells a story of a girl named Assol. She lived with her father. They were poor. Gonna dreamt about a prince who would sail up to her in a boat with crimson sails. And one day her dream came true. The prince arrived in a ship with crimson sails and took her to his castle. This way the story ends. I liked the story very much. I went with Lisa to the library and took the book "Crimson Sails".
Задание - напиши 6-8 предложений о домашнем питомце, который у тебя есть (или которого ты хотел(а) бы иметь.
I would like to have a racoon (енота) at home. Racoons are very funny. They are friendly to other pets. They are usually grey and black. They are fluffy. They like bisquits very much. But they can make a mess at home!
I have got a cat. He is very kind and nice. His name is Barsik. He is black. Barsik likes to play with a piece of paper. He likes meat and fish. He usually sleeps with me. I like him very much, he is a member of our family.
I liked the story very much. I went with Lisa to the library and took the book "Crimson Sails".