The 21st (twenty-first [ˈtwɛnti-fɜːst]) of June.
The 22nd (twenty-second [ˈtwɛnti-ˈsɛkənd]) page.
The 23rd (twenty-third [ˈtwɛnti-θɜːd]) of April.
The 24th (twenty-fourth [ˈtwɛnti-fɔːθ]) book on the shelf.
The 25th (twenty-fifth [ˈtwɛnti-fɪfθ]) of December.
The 26th (twenty-sixth [ˈtwɛnti-sɪksθ]) line (строка).
The 27th (twenty-seventh [ˈtwɛnti-ˈsɛvnθ]) of March.
The 28th (twenty-eighth [ˈtwɛnti-eɪtθ]) of February.
The 29th (twenty-ninth [ˈtwɛnti-naɪnθ]) day.
The 30th (thirtieth [ˈθɜːtɪəθ]) pupil in class.
I recently received one award. It was the prize for the most beautiful hairstyle for a pet. A photo contest was held in our school, in which students of each class could take part. My dog has a rather long fur, so I decided to take part too. I was really interested in this competition, but my dog apparently not. It didn't let it fur get laid, but in the end I managed to braid her some braids. It looked perfect. If I were a male dog, I would fall in love. I took some photos and submitted them to the photo competition. 2 weeks have passed. The results were announced. I was really amazed, my photos took 1st place! I am very proud of this, because this is the first competition! won.