Whos pen is it? - Its mine pen Whos book is it? -- Its yours book Whos table is it? -- Its my brothers table Whos bag is it? -- Its my moms bag Whos pencil is it? -- Its my sisters pencil. Is it yours copybook? -- Yes.(it is) Is it your brothers copybook? -- No, Its my copybook Where's your table? -- It's in the middle of the room. Where's your pen? -- Its in my pocket Where's your copybook? -- Its on the table. Where's your mom? -- She's at work. Where's your brother? -- He's at school Where's your sister? -- She's at home Who's pencil is it? -- Its my pencil. -- But wheres my pencil? -- Its on the table. Who's watch is it? -- Its my watch. -- But where's my watch? -- Its on the table
Whose is the pen-It is my pen Whoes is the book-It is your book Whoes is the table-It is table of my brother Whoes is the bag-It is the bag of my mother Whoes is the pencil-It is the pencil of my sister It is your notebook-Yes It is a notebook of your brother? - No, it is my notebook. Where your table? - It in the middle of the room. Where your handle? — It in my pocket. Where your notebook? - It on a table. Where your mother? - It at work. Where your brother? - It at school. Where your sister? - It houses. Whose is a pencil? - It is my pencil. Whose is a pencil? - It is my pencil. - And where my pencil? — It on a table Whose it is hours? - These are my hours. - And where my hours? - They on a table
1 b
2 a
3 b
4 a
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6 b
1 mustn't
2 must
3 don't have to
4 has to
5 must
6 have to
7 don't have to
8 had to
9 have
10 mustn't