I know the Marvel science fiction movie. The last film was shot in 2019 in Scotland. This world is different from ours in that there are superheroes with super abilities. They are ordinary people who often see battles. This film was shot very professionally and there is a very interesting plot.
Я знаю фантастический фильм "Марвел". Последний фильм был снят в 2019 году в Шотландии. Это мир отличается от нашего тем что там есть супергерои с супер . Они обычные люди которые часто видят сражения. Этот фильм снят очень профисионально и там очень интересный сюжет.
It is no exaggeration to say that we all would like to be able to speak every language in the world. One way to do it is to have a chip planted in our brains. At first glance, the idea seems great, but we should consider all pros and cons.
There are some benefits of having such chip. Firstly, travelling abroad would be much easier. The language of your destination country could be downloaded into your chip before the trip, which means the opportunity to save on translation costs. Secondly, ability to speak lots of languages opens up a world of job opportunities. Thirdly, you would be able to read any books and documents you need and make more friends all over the world.
On the other hand, there are a few disadvantages. To begin with, not everybody would be able to afford this chip. Next, there is a high probability that a hacker or a malicious user would gain access to the chip.
To sum up, the benefits of having a chip outweigh its disadvantages