I love children very much. Every time I see an unhealthy child, I feel the pain myself. How can such small children withstand such pain, suffering at their age? I would like to organize a charity Fund to help all the children who need help no matter how much money and time it takes. The main purpose of charity is to support the health of 'special' children, to provide them financially for treatment so that they would enjoy life as well as all healthy children do. I want to give joy to 'special' children.
Я очень люблю детей. Каждый раз, когда я вижу нездорового ребенка, я чувствую боль. Как могут такие маленькие дети выдержать боль, страдание в их возрасте? Я хотел бы организовать Благотворительный Фонд, чтобы всем детям, которые нуждаются в независимо от того, сколько денег и времени это займет. Главная цель благотворительности - поддержать здоровье "особенных" детей, обеспечить их материально для лечения, чтобы они радовались жизни так же, как и все здоровые дети. Я хочу дарить радость "особенным" детям.
ответ: 1)
2. I watch TV very often. (watch)
3. Lisa washes her hair every morning. (wash)
4. My parents work in a big company. (work)
5. Helen does not far from the zoo. (live)
6. They go to the gym every day. (go)
7. Julia does her homework every evening. (do)
2. Write the negative and interrogative
Объяснение: в данном времени нужно прибавить окончание s в ед.ч c местоимениями :he/she/it/is
2)Bears fly.
bears do not fly.
Do bears fly?
3. I like snakes and spiders.
I do not like snakes and spiders.
Do I like snakes and spiders?
4. She finds monkeys noisy.
She does not find monkeys noisy
Does she find monkeys noisy?
5. Giraffes live in Europe.
Giraffes do not live in Europe.
Do Giraffes live in Europe.?
6. Peacocks are noisy.
Peacocks are not noisy.
Are Peacocks noisy?
7. We work very hard.
We do not work very hard.
Do we work very hard.?
3) . Does it rain a lot in Moscow?
No,it is not.
3. Do you sing a lot?
Yes,i do .
4. Do you often skate?
No,i do not .
5. Do you play the guitar?
No, I do not
2) I do get up at 7:00.
3) Do you have breakfast in the morning? What do you have?
4) How do you go to college or work?
5) What time does your classes start?
6) What time your classes does finish?
7) What do you do after study?
8) Do you relax in the evening? What do you do?
9) What time do you go to bed?
10) How do you feel at the end of day?