уже 3 раз выкладываю, последние 5 YOUR OPINIONS Ask and answer the questions. 1 What actions against supermarkets does the text suggest? Do you think they are likely to be effective? 2 Which piece of information in the text shocks you most? 3 Could you be a freegan? Why/Why not? 4 How much food do your family and friends throw away? Why? 5 How do you feel about eating fruit and vegetables that are not perfect? Why?
In nature everything is interconnected. Man and animal - children of the same nature - the mother. They help each other. Animals feel the caring, affection, and the owner meet the same. Dog - the first domestic animal, which appeared for a long time near the man. It helps keep the house, at a glance she understands the owner. And what are the true horse! How are they attached to the man! Who made them tame, and that their boss. During the war, they saved a lot of people. Animals - our friends. They must love, and they repay you loyalty. Many of these people put up a monument. Plays a significant role in our lives wild animals. Many of them hunt, and they give us their meat, skin, milk. But wild animals can not hunt too often - many of them are listed as endangered and may disappear from the face of the earth. We must protect wildlife and care for her, and then the animals will always be your friends.
I was too old for this Emusement Park- Я была слишком взрослая для этого парка развлечений. Man in the bus was tall and hitting his head on the roof- Мужчина из автобусы был высоким и бился головой о крышу. I always walk in the company of young people- Я всегда гуляю в компании молодых людей. This manual was not helpful- Это руководство не было полезным. In the guests came noisy child- В гости пришел шумный ребенок. When I learned guy better , I realized that he was intelligent- Когда я узнала парня получше, я поняла, что он-интеллигент.
In nature everything is interconnected. Man and animal - children of the same nature - the mother. They help each other. Animals feel the caring, affection, and the owner meet the same.
Dog - the first domestic animal, which appeared for a long time near the man. It helps keep the house, at a glance she understands the owner.
And what are the true horse! How are they attached to the man! Who made them tame, and that their boss. During the war, they saved a lot of people. Animals - our friends. They must love, and they repay you loyalty. Many of these people put up a monument.
Plays a significant role in our lives wild animals. Many of them hunt, and they give us their meat, skin, milk. But wild animals can not hunt too often - many of them are listed as endangered and may disappear from the face of the earth. We must protect wildlife and care for her, and then the animals will always be your friends.