(допустим ты хочешь стать бухгалтером)
Everyone wants to be happy. One of the components of happiness is work.After consulting with my parents and friends, I decided that I wanted to make a practical choice. As a result, I chose for myself a practical, highly paid profession of an accountant.Today, "accountant" is one of the most common and popular specialties, both around the world and in Russia.No enterprise, firm, or company can do without accounting, whether it is a kindergarten or a giant machine-building plant. This specialty is among the most popular. In order to become an accountant, you need to pass the exams in mathematics, geography and history and enter the Faculty of Economics.
The girl has wavy blonde hair. It's short and shiny. She wears white skirt and white t-shirt with bright print on it. In the left side of photo we see the younger girl , that actually looks similar. She also wears she same clothes. Because of this i think that it is her sister. Sisters are smiling ang laughing , they're really happy. I also can say that it's autumn, because there are a lots of colourful leaves on the ground. But the grass is still being green - maybe, it's first part of september.The dog between girls is cute. It is ginger with white chest. I can't tell you the breed, but i think it's mix of border colly and corgi. I don't think that it's a professional photosession. It looks like a photo from family collection. Maybe , this family just bought a dog. Or they took it from a shelter, because dog looks a bit scared.
Получилось только 14, не знаю, что еще написать. Можешь придумать на русском, а я переведу.
I want to tell you a few words about my career plans. I am very interested in computers. And that's why I want to become a programmer. A programmer is a person who is engaged in programming, that is, the creation of computer programs. I chose this specialty for two reasons. Firstly, I am very fond of computers, and I really like to create computer programs. Secondly, the basis for writing program algorithms is mathematical calculations. Mathematics and computer science are the subjects that are needed for the specialty of a programmer and I really love them.
Хочу рассказать вам несколько слов о своих карьерных планах. Я очень интересуюсь компьютерами. И поэтому я хочу стать программистом. Программист-это тот человек,который занимается программированием,то есть созданием компьютерных программ.Я выбрал эту специальность по двум причинам. Во-первых, я очень увлекаюсь компьютерами,и мне очень нравится создавать компьютерные программы.Во-вторых, основой для написания алгоритмов программ являются математические вычисления.Математика и информатика это те предметы,которые нужны для специальности программиста и я их очень люблю