Fill in the blanks with the prepositions: in, at, about, of, with, to, on, between, from, till. She was sitting the pavement and beating it a bit branch decorated three or four brown leaves.
1. In St. Petersburg by 1738 there were already more than 40 bridges over the city’s rivers and canals. 2. In 1703, when Tsar Peter 1 captured the Swedish fortress of Nienshants on the Neva, the place where St. Petersburg stands today was a forested and swampy area at the mouth of the Neva river 3. Here, in St. Petersburg lived a few Finnish and Russian tribes. 4. The population of St. Petersburg was multination from the very start. 5. Peter the Great named his city after the same saint. He thus announsed Russia's new cultural and historic mission in Europe and the world.
1. When were you playing football? What were you playing yesterday at six o'clock? Who was playing football yesterday at six o'clock? 2. When the sun was shining? What was doing the sun? What was shining? 3. Who was watching at us? Whom all our friends were watching at? 4. Who was shouting something? Could you hear what your mother was shouting? What was doing your mother? 5. Who you wanted to be? Who wanted to be the best? 6. What were you doing, when your teacher came? Who stopped the game? What did your teacher did, when he came?
She was sitting on the pavement and beating it with a bit of branch decorated with three or four brown leaves.