перевести предложение с пассивным залогом 1. он очень огорчен потому что над ним все смеются. 2.на этот футбольный матч смотрели по телевизору 3.эта контрольная написана на неделе.
PP-We have bought a new TV set-Мы купили новый телевизор . The students have left the room-Студенты ушли из комнаты . The train has just arrived-Поезд только что прибыл. She hasn't written the test yet-Она ещё не закончила контрольную. I have known him for years-Я знаю его много лет . He has written about a hundred novels-Он написал около ста романов. PS-He read this book 2 years ago. How did you spend your holidays? The students took part in the play, didn't they? I was in the theater yesterday and I didn't see my sister there. Did you tell you friends about the project?
1) Do you like winter, summer, spring or autumn? -I like summer. 2) Does Rose speak French or English? - Rose speaks English. 3) Do they want to play football or basketball? - They want to play basketball. 4) Does this girl like to sing or dance? - This girl likes to sing. 5) Do you ride your bike in the street or in the park? - I ride my bike in the park. 6) Do your grandparents live in the city or village? - My grandparents live in the city. 7) Do you want to watch cartoon or film? - I want to watch cartoon. 8) Does your cat sleep in the hall or in the bedroom? - My cat sleeps in the hall. 9) Do you have coffee or tea for breakfast? - I have tea for breakfast. 10) Does Tim learn French or Spanish? - Tim learns French. 11) Does your father like to read newspapers or magazines? - My father likes to read newspapers. 12) Do they like to eat meat or fish? - They like to eat fish.