Fill in the gaps with the words from the box: construction; activity; research; deals; vacation; course papers; well-equipped; defense
1) We write and graduation theses on the scientific problems of our work.
2) In summer the students of our faculty, besides , have their practical hours.
3) We have quite a number of laboratories at our disposal.
4) The whole process of studying with mastering new methods.
5) The final and most important period in students' life is of graduation work.
6) For the years of the faculty has trained many highly qualified engineers
Task 4. Look for the appropriate word in the box for the following meaning.
university, student, scholarship, lecture, seminar, examination, diploma, thesis Word
1) talk for the purpose of teaching;
2) testing of knowledge or ability;
3) payment of money to a student;
4) person who is studying at a college, institute, polytechnic or university;
5) theory put forward and supported by arguments submitted for a scientific degree;
6) group studying a problem and meeting for discussion with a teacher;
7) institution for advanced teaching, conferring degrees and engaging in academic research.
8) educational certificate of proficiency;
Task 5. Match a word on the left with a word on the right to make a common word partnership
1) to graduate from a) laboratory tests
2) to work in b) a solid basis
3) to pass c) practical skills
4) to attend d) various spheres of industry and science
5) to carry out e) working
6) to give f) examination tests
7) to develop g) lectures and seminars
8) to spend much time h) higher school
Disappearing animals, by definition of the Red List are those types which are under the threat of the disappearance which rescue is impossible without implementation of special measures. What, in brief, these measures? The most strict and absolute prohibition of production, maximum preservation of habitat, creation of wildlife areas, reserves and others state резерватов. Creation of special nurseries for the contents for the purpose of studying of their biology in the conditions of bondage or semi-free existence without damage to health and with a problem of acclimatization or reacclimatization, and the main thing, reproduction for increase in number. Strict isolation of animals from various factors of concern is thus necessary from people and technical means operated by them.