1. Loss of life is the most devastating thing in life. There is no life after death.
2. The dangers are: lack of food and homes, deaths of relatives and absence of help in the first hours after the disaster.
3. вопрос не понятен
4. Usually poor people living in distant area are moslty affected by disasters.
5. Earthquakes cannot be predicted. Other disasters can be predicted.
6. Yes, they can, but not in the case of the earthquake.
7. To prevent loss of lives there should always be food and water supplies available in case of emergency, Also rescue teams in possible disaster areas should be formed.
8. Defintely they should.
9. Richer people and all the people with generous hearts should help.
10. Yes, sometimes.
11. No I don't.
2. He’s waiting for a bus
3. They’re playing football
4. She’s lying on the floor
5. They’re having a breakfast
6. She’s sitting on the table
2. He’s cooking
3. You’re standing
4. Somebody’s swimming
5. We’re staying
6. She’s having
7. They’re building
8. I’m going