Communication is very important for all beings. Animals and humans, alike, use their own separate languages to communicate with one another, because no one can survive without communicating. Communication skills are a part of the spoken and written language. These are the extra factors, which complete a communication process.
Communication refers to the exchange of thoughts and ideas with the intention of conveying information. Communication is a two way street that includes vocalization as well as gesticulation. The purpose of communication is to convey one’s beliefs, ideas, thoughts or needs with clarity so as to reach a consensus or a mutually acceptable solution.
The importance of communication skills cannot be underestimated. It has been known, that long before when language was yet to be invented, people used hand gestures, body language etc to converse with one another. Good communication skills are necessary in all walks of life. The lack of effective communication skills has a negative impact on the personal as well as professional life of a person.
Good communication skills are a prerequisite for professionals, in all walks of life. For example: Ineffective communication, rather than incompetence, precludes the doctor from conveying to the patient that the former has the best interests of the patient in mind. For instance, a doctor may be knowledgeable and may have considerable expertise in his area of work.
Steve comes back home at 5. He doesn't use his keys because there's always somebody at home. Tonight when he comes nobody opens the door. There's nobody in. «What's the matter?» — he thinks. — «Something has happened». Steve begins knocking at the door with his fists and then listens. He hears nobody. Then he sees something at the door. It's a note. He reads: «Somebody wants to speak to you. We'll ring you up». Steve remembers about his keys, opens the door and runs in. There's something unusual in the room...
В последнем предложении вместо something может быть и nothing - в зависимости от смысла ("Кое-что странное в комнате..." или "Ничего необычного в комнате...") - нужно знать, что там происходило дальше.