He take a shower.
В present simple вспомагатальные глаголы do/does(если he, she, it) ставишь в начало предложения, дальше идет подлежащее, а затем глагол в первой форме.Например, does he take a shower? Если это отрицание,то перед глаголом(первая форма) ставишь don't/doesn't. Например, he doesn't take a shower.
В past simple все тоже самое, только вспомагательный глагол будет did(didn't).Например, Did he take a shower? He didn't take a shower.
B future simple вспомагательный глагол will/shall(если I, we)Отрицание - shan't, won't.Например, Will he take a shower? He won't take a shower.
Это времена группы simple, если надо все времена или что-то непонятно пиши в личку
The Moscow Zoo is the _oldest_ in Russia. It was opened in 1864. It is also the _biggest_. It covers the territory of 22 hectares. It is situated in the centre of Moscow, near the Garden Ring. Today the Zoo is home to 1,000 species and _more_ than 6,000 animals.
The collection includes animals from all over the world: giraffes and elephants, bears and tigers, dolphins and flamingoes. For many animals, cages are replaced by enclosures that recreate animals' natural environment. This gives a _better_ lifestyle to the animals and a _more realistic_ experience to the visitors.
The Zoo also has beautiful gardens as well as innovative zoo buildings which house many animals in winter.
Canty's family lived - Past Simple in one room on the third floor of one of these houses.
The mother and the father had - Past Simple a bed, but Tom, his grandmother and his two sister Bet and Nan slept - Past Simple on the floor and covered - Past Simple themselves with rags.
Bet and Nan were - Past Simple fifteen years old.
They were - Past Simple twins.
They were - Past Simple always dirty and in rags, but they were - Past Simple kind-hearted girls.
The mother was - Past Simple like them.
But the father and the grandmother were - Past Simple very bad people.
They often got - Past Simple drunk and then they fought - Past Simple each other and beat - Past Simple the children