history of creation of the camera
in december, 1975, the engineer of the kodak company stevie sesson invented something that some months later turned all ideas of the photo - the first-ever digital camera. the camera was of the size of a toaster and was able to do black-and-white pictures with the resolution of 100x100 pixels. today would tell that the camera had permission in 0,01 megapixels. pictures registered in the recorder cartridge. on record of one picture 23 seconds left. for viewing of pictures the special tv-prefix was used.
the majority of us perceive the digital camera as something self-evident. and fifteen years ago the man of means was able to afford such device only very much, and there was it rather a sign of luxury, than technical need. it was necessary to owners of the first digital cameras hardly. it was necessary to carry with itself five-kilogram backpacks with accumulators and a hard disk. since then cameras considerably decreased in sizes and became much more convenient such what them got used to see.
since emergence of the camera before issue of his digital successor passed nearly hundred years so much time it was required to find a way of record of images on the digital carrier. matrixes of cameras in that look which is used today, appeared in the late sixties. the device invented by william boyle and george smith with charging communication became the first step to modern equipment. in 1981 the sony company let out the mavica chamber, but the first real digital camera dycam model 1 known also under the name logitech fotoman fm-1 by right is considered. the finished shooting shots of mavika wrote down on usual 3,5-inch diskettes which then were considered almost as the last achievement of peace of equipment. now to find the computer which would support them, very not easy. impressed the first cameras public of that time not only the opportunities, but also the price. dycam model 1 cost about one thousand dollars. to modern measures it is quite responsible cost for the high-quality camera, and here that model had opportunities far not modern: matrix with the resolution of 376х240 pixels, 256 gradation gray and one megabyte of built-in memory, and also an unpretentious lens with the fixed focal length.
in the mid-eighties (1984-1986) by an example of sony, the company canon, nikon, asahi also began release of electronic cameras. cameras were analog, cost very expensively and had resolution of 0,3-0,5 megapixels.
as a result, in spite of the fact that the first camera appeared at the beginning of the 80th, it is considered to be the beginning of mass production of digital devices the first half of the 90th. however these cameras were black-and-white and didn't give those opportunities which are required for creation of qualitative pictures. the main problem was that nobody knew, since what end to start development of the digital camera, the practices received for time of creation of analog cameras, obviously weren't suitable for their digital colleagues. all attempts to make the device which would inherit experience of traditional film equipment, came to an end with a failure: for example, created in 1991 by mechanical copying of the film kodak dcs-100 camera i cost about 25 thousand dollars.
1. linux, созданный и поддерживаемый всемирной армией программистов, не принадлежит никому и открыт для всех.
2. на этой конференции мы обсудим проблемы компьютерного мышления как модели человеческого мышления.
3. мы используем компьютеры для всего: от банковского дела и инвестиций до покупок и общения с другими людьми с программ электронной почты или чатов.
4. компьютер, атакованный вирусом, разбился.
5. компиляция программы требует большого внимания программиста.
6. система, недавно выпущенная ibm, известная как voice type, способна распознавать до 32 000 слов и не зависит от говорящего.
7. он опубликовал статью под названием «о применении компьютеров для решения коммерческих ».
8. интернет и его технологии продолжают оказывать глубокое влияние на содействие обмену информацией, обеспечение быстрых транзакций между предприятиями и поддержку сотрудничества между отдельными лицами и организациями.
9. устройства ввода - это устройства для ввода информации в компьютер, от клавиатуры до микрофона.
10. те, у кого высокоскоростное соединение, используют сеть гораздо чаще, чем те, которые используют только модем, и часто предпочитают оставлять свой компьютер включенным и подключенным почти все время.
1) Tracey Bennett moved about among the admiring guests with the smile of a queen.
2) She was happy surrounded by friends or admirers - young businessmen, lawyers, statesmen.
3) He went from place to place;
4) upstairs and downstairs, stood in corners
5) with eyes turned upon Tracey ’s face, like a policeman on duty.
6) Why she did so no one could tell.
7) No one was interested in her movements except Albert Kington.
8) He had thoughts about it – thoughts he didn't like .
9) «They are coming this way – straight to your place, Mr. Bennett».