A ship power plant is a set of mechanisms of devices designed to ensure the movement of a ship, as well as to supply energy to various mechanisms of systems, devices.
The ship has a main engine. which generates mechanical energy for the marine engine. On modern civilian ships, diesel engines are almost exclusively used as main engines, i.e. internal combustion engines (ICE). as the most economical, although relatively heavy and cumbersome. Internal combustion engines use the energy of gases generated when fuel is burned in an engine or in a special gas generator. These include diesels and gas turbines. Steam engines use steam energy. which is formed in steam boilers when fuel is burned in them. These include steam engines and
steam turbines.
On submarines, less often on surface ships and civilian ships
nuclear power plants using energy are used
fission of atoms of heavy elements (uranium) to produce steam that rotates
turbine. There are combined installations, for example, diesel-gas turbine. Requirements of efficiency, compactness, reliability, quick readiness for operation are imposed on ship power plants.
Anna has got many books so she can read them.
may I borrow your rubber, please? Yes, of course you may
You can find any kind of information on the Internet.
Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb (must, mustn’t, don’t have to)
We mustn't arrive late, and we must go to every class.
We don't have to have lunch at school, so I sometimes go home.
Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb (must, needn’t)
Shall I turn on the light? — No, you needn't. It is still light in the room.
You needn't make your bed. I'll do it for you.
You needn't buy mineral water, we have plenty.
The meeting is very important. We needn't be late.
Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb (must, can, need)
Sonia must practise so much if she wants to take part in the marathon.
If you want to improve your English, you must work very hard.
You need not come to help them tomorrow: the work is done.
1. saies (настоящее)