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George Washington began his career at the benefit of their country as a major in the police Virginia and after he became commander in chief of the colonial army during the war. He was among those who wrote the Constitution in the US in Philadelphia. People respected him for his honesty, courage and wisdom.
After the war, Washington wanted to retire and live in mount Vernon, where he was a beautiful house and a large plantations. But he knew that his duty was to serve the country. He hurried to new York, which was then the capital. April 30, 1789, a large crowd, he promised to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States. It was when Washington was the first President and served two terms. He refused 3rd term and retired to mount Vernon, where he died two years later.
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the USA. As George Washington, he received a special place in the list of American presidents.
He grew up in the Midwest. His first house was small: 1 bedroom house in the forest. His family were pioneers who helped in the war with the Indians and pushed through them abroad USA farther West. The family lived in poverty. His family moved to Kentucky in Indiana when Abraham was 7. It was his house for 14 years. Thomas Lincoln( father of Abraham) had hoped for a better life here. Soon his mother died. Abraham and his sister were alone when their father married again. His mother encouraged his ambition to study. Although he had little chance to get to school, he liked to read. He studied reading books. Such as the Bible, Aesop's Fables and Robinson Crusoe. He often traveled far and wide to take the book in debt.
Abraham grew fast. He learned to do the heavy pioneering work, such as chop down trees, and care of crops. He usually won durability test, when arguing with the other boys. Everybody loved him, and said that he was born storyteller. But no one could say why this modest young man with a gentle voice may become one of the great presidents of America.
When Abraham Lincoln was 21 years old, his family moved to Illinois. Since then Abraham called the Illinois home. For some time he worked in a shop. After he joined the militia and fought in the Indiana war. After the war he went home with educated young lawyer. This new friend gave Abraham the Council to study law.