The one thing that is constant in our life--change. I personally would prefer moving constantly. I wouldn't want to just move for the sake of a better house, job, community, or climate. I want to travel the world, learn something new, understand the cultures of different people, get out of my comfort zone, and go on exciting adventures! Granted, it may be quite arduous to keep up with family and finances. However, in the end I think it will be worth it. Experiences are priceless.
People not only spend their lives in one place, they also don't get out of their comfort zone. The magic happens when you get out of your comfort zone! This is one of the many reasons why I want to keep moving. When you finally take responsibility for your life, serendipitous events unfold and you open the gate to wisdom.
I am not sure how long you want the essay, however this may inspire you to think of something! Hope it helped!
2i am able to go to malaga next week
3people are not able to know everything
4molly is able to wear a suit tonight
5i wasnt able to decorate as i wasnt able to ( глагол, я его прст не вижу)
6 mother is able to believe his words
7 sam isnt able to ride a horse
8 doris was able to swim...
9 helen isnt able to visit her...
10 you are not able to go to school...
если честно предложения переводятся так себе но технически это правильно
насчет правила там вместо to be ставишь по времени либо am is are ( наст сам able to ставится после этой констр перед глаголом а дальше прст списываешь предложение