1) Rewrite each sentence using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning.
1. Who owns this coat? (whose) Whose is this coat?
2. I own this pen. (mine) This pen is mine
3. That car belongs to my family. (our) That car is ours.
4. This telephone is mine. (my) This is my telephone
5. Is this CD yours? (your) Is this your CD?
6. We own this painting. (ours) This painting is ours
7. Are they your children? (yours) Are these children yours?
8. They own that car. (theirs) That car is theirs.
9. This is Harry and Luigi’s cat. (their) This is their cat
10. I own that computer. (me) That computer belongs to me.
2) Put the words in the correct order
1. A exciting fiction science film
2. A nice new silver coin
3. A handsome short fair man
4. A little pretty back horse
5. A long haired university student
6. Some large red plums
7. An old wooden coffee table
8. A horrible new jumper wool
9. A yellow plastic cheap box
10. Some loud modern pop music
3) Underline the correct word in each sentence.
0. The Nile is longer than the Amazon
1. Mike is younger than Pierre
2. My computer is worse than your computer
3. This is the best book I've read
4. The new telephone is smaller than the old one
5. This book is more interesting than the other one
6. She's the most beautiful girl in town
7. Asia is biggest continent
8. Pedro is the shortest in the class
9. The black jacket is the cheapest
10. Bob runs quicker than me
5) Underline the correct word in each sentence.
0. It is getting warm
1. Where did you go on Saturday?
2. It is getting colder
3. Give Mary her coat
4. Have you done your housework?
5. Can you come to my house on Saturday?
6. Have you got any biscuits?
7. I didn't get your e-mail
8. What time do you get up at the weekend?
9. We got a new car last week
10. You are making a lot of noise
6) Write one word in each space.
1. for
2. to be
3. for
4. —
5. to go
6. about
7. in
8. for
9. in
10. with
если ты про 8 урок,то вот: №1. 1)автор. a)художник 2)b писатель 3)менеджер 4)книга.ответ:b. 2)увлекаться. а) быть известным b) вспом.гл с)любить d)думать.ответ:С. 3)популярный а)неизвестный b)вежливый с)фантастический d)хорошо-известный. ответ: d
№4. 1-B, 2-А№2. 1)Погода была хорошей, и мы провели целый день на...воздухе. а)хороший b)открытый с)закрытый d)здоровый.ответ:b. 2)Я увлекаюсь музыкой и всегда смотрю...программы а)политический b)музыка с)музыкальный d)общественный.ответ:С. 3)Это место...старая церковь а)нести ответственность b)cделано с)основано d) знаменито.ответ:d. 4)Прочитайте...кино и выясни какой это фильм а)шоу b)реклама с)программа d)cигнал.ответ:b. 5)Две сестры имели много... а)общий b)характерная черта с)похожий d) программа.ответ:а3 могу только перевод скинуть, если тебе надо