We live in a big house. There are 3 rooms in it such as living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen. The kitchen is very big. There is a window. There is a table and there are four chairs around it. There is a fridge near the wall. There is a microwave and a toaster on the table. Also we have a cooker and a sink in the kitchen. My mother likes cooking in the kitchen. I always help her. I like our kitchen.
Мы живем в большом доме. В нем 3 комнаты: гостиная, две спальни и кухня. Кухня очень большая. В ней есть окно, стол и четыре стула. Возле стены стоит холодильник. На столе стоит микроволновая печь и тостер. В кухне у нас также есть печь и раковина. Моя мама любит готовить на кухне. Я всегда ей Мне нравится наша кухня.
16. I saw Jim this morning. He was running for the bus. 17. Keri was angry. She had been waiting for Sarah for two hours. 18. Andy was relieved to hear that he had passed the exam. 19 I was walking home when I saw Paul. 20Brian learnt how to spell his name at school today. 21 They hadn’t visited their grandparents for a long time. 23 I was watching television when the telephone rang. 8. Jason had been thinking about his new car all day. 24 I bought the dress because I wanted something special to wear to the party. 25. The little boy was crying because he had lost his mother. 26. Graham had been working for the company for twenty years before he retired. 27. Pam opened the present and read the card. 28 Lucy wrote a letter to her sister last night. 29. It had been raining all day and the roads were very wet. 30. Sue was smiling as she was reading Mary’s letter.
Мы живем в большом доме. В нем 3 комнаты: гостиная, две спальни и кухня. Кухня очень большая. В ней есть окно, стол и четыре стула. Возле стены стоит холодильник. На столе стоит микроволновая печь и тостер. В кухне у нас также есть печь и раковина. Моя мама любит готовить на кухне. Я всегда ей Мне нравится наша кухня.
Подробнее: http://englishgu.ru/kitchen/#ixzz4ycTWEY2H