A: I play spoil: regularly and I often spend time with my family and friends. What about you?
B: I sometimes play sport; and I always share problems with my family and friends. I often eat fruit and vegetables.
A:I drink plenty of water. I don't have a hobby, though.
B: That's too bad. I don't always get a good night's sleep. Also, I should avoid too much stress. We both have things we should do
For a healthy lifestyle ...
DOS • Take exercise • Eat fruit and vegetables • Share your problems with family and friends • Get enough sleep • Avoid stress • Drink shubcitl
DO NTS • Watch too much TV and video games • Eat junk food • Use gadgets just before bed • Eat a meal late at night • Sui1 the Internet for hours and hours
Business letter. Recommendation. I have known Yulia Sedova since my first year at the Glinka Nizhny Novgorod state Conservatory (Academy). She is always conscientious and serious about her studies and her grades are always high. In my opinion, she is a talented and promising pianist who has repeatedly participated in National and international competitions and won prizes. Her repertoire is wide and interesting, including works of various styles and genres from classical to modern. Yu. Sedova has a high level of performing skills and can adequately represent our Conservatory at your competition. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at any time. Sincerely Yours, Professor E. Alekseeva
A: I play spoil: regularly and I often spend time with my family and friends. What about you?
B: I sometimes play sport; and I always share problems with my family and friends. I often eat fruit and vegetables.
A:I drink plenty of water. I don't have a hobby, though.
B: That's too bad. I don't always get a good night's sleep. Also, I should avoid too much stress. We both have things we should do
For a healthy lifestyle ...
DOS • Take exercise • Eat fruit and vegetables • Share your problems with family and friends • Get enough sleep • Avoid stress • Drink shubcitl
DO NTS • Watch too much TV and video games • Eat junk food • Use gadgets just before bed • Eat a meal late at night • Sui1 the Internet for hours and hours