The national symbols of Russia are a part of the cultural heritage of the country which has given the country its national identity.
The official and non-official symbols play an important role in formation of a country and a nation’s image; they build up its recognition.
Symbols of Russia and Russians are quite diverse. There are only three official, i.e. authorized by law, symbols of the state — the flag, emblem and anthem. But there are a lot of informal symbols, which are often much more famous and popular.
Today it is fashionable to speak about teenage problems. A few years ago alcohol, fights, killings and other kinds of violence were more problems for adults than for young people. But now,violence, AIDS, drugs and alcohol are more and more associated with youngerst.For many children from poor families this becomes more real than reality. Every fifth teenager who was arrested for criminal actions, was younger that 14. Almost half of teenagers have an experience with sex under age of 16.A lot of teenagers who have addiction almost never believe it.These things are often combined with family and school problems.
Алтон Тауэрс.Посетить Олтон-тауэрз в Стаффордшире-это веселый день для всей семьи. Аттракционы в тематическом парке являются одними из лучших в мире. Вот то, что некоторые молодые люди говорили о своем времени в Алтон Тауэрс. ...Это было потрясающе.Моя сестра и я пошли на поездку под названием Рита-Королева скорости.Он был быстрее Феррари! Гениально! Джекки, 9 Честер. Мы хотели в течение часа, чтобы покататься на аттракционе под названием пинбол Циркулярную, но это того стоило! Поездка длилась полторы минуты. Нам очень понравилось! Ричард и Джейми, 10, Бирмингем.Моя любимая была поездка называется, воздух. Это летающий горки. Это было довольно страшно, но я чувствовал себя как птица в воздухе! Я имел большое время. Керри,12, Белфаст
The national symbols of Russia are a part of the cultural heritage of the country which has given the country its national identity.
The official and non-official symbols play an important role in formation of a country and a nation’s image; they build up its recognition.
Symbols of Russia and Russians are quite diverse. There are only three official, i.e. authorized by law, symbols of the state — the flag, emblem and anthem. But there are a lot of informal symbols, which are often much more famous and popular.