Я живу в многоэтажном недавно отстроенном доме. На первом этаже в нашем доме сидит очень приветливая женщина - вахтерша. Она следит что бы кто-нибудь чужой не зашел в наш подъезд и что бы вес было аккуратно. Так же у нас есть 2 лифта. Один грузовой и обычный. Моя квартира находиться на 14 этаже.Она очень просторная. В ней 3 комнаты. Первая-спальня, вторая- моя комната, и наконец третья комната гостиная. Там у нас стоит большой аквариум с рыбками. В моей комнате есть большая кровать, компьютер, книжный шкаф и шкаф для одежды.
We (were walking) in silence when he suddenly (asked) me to help him. 2.I had just (had) breakfast when the telephone (rang). When I came back to my coffee, it (was) cold. 3. When I (had finished) my letter in the hall, a tall beautiful woman with red hair (entered). A dog (was following) her. 4. Ann (droped) two cups while she (was washing up) last night, but neither of the cups (broke). 5. I was (walking) along the street watching what (was going on) around me. Fast cars (were rushing) in both directions and it (was) impossible to cross the street. 6. The old man who was (sitting) on the bench beside me (kept) silence. Then suddenly he (turned round) to me and (began) to speak. 7. I was (standing) near the fence when suddenly I (heard) the voices. 8. He well (remembered) the day when he first (went) to school. 9. We were (talking) about Jim when he (ran) into the room. 10. The day was marvelous: the sun was (shining), the birds were (singing so we (decided) to go for a walk. 11. Miss Brown's telephone (rang) when she was (dressing). 12.1 (lit) my pipe and (nodded) to him to show that I was (listening). 13. When he (came) into the office the secretary was (doing) a crosswords puzzle. 14. Why aren't you (listening to me while I am (speaking)? 15. He was (waiting) for her, but she never (came)
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