Как я понял нужно составить диалог на 2-3 минуты с данными вопросами Нужно выбрать одну карточку
Task 2. In pairs, learners take a card and develop a conversation answering the given questions.
They have 1 minute to generate the ideas and they have to speak for 2-3 minutes.
Card 1. Answer the following questions in the form of conversation. You have 1 minute for preparation and you have to speak for 2-3 minutes.
1. Explain the title of the book you`ve read.
2. What category or genre do you think it fits into?
3. What do you think the author’s purpose is?
4. Something you liked about it. Why?
Card 2. Answer the following questions in the form of conversation. You have 1 minute for preparation and you have to speak for 2-3 minutes.
1. Something you disliked about the book you`ve read.
2. Describe the setting.
3. Which character did you like most? Why?
4. Which character did you like least? Why?
Card 3. Answer the following questions in the form of conversation. You have 1 minute for preparation and you have to speak for 2-3 minutes.
1. Describe one of the main characters of the book that you`ve read.
2. What changes does a main character go through?
3. Describe one significant part of the book.
4. How did reading it change you, or your views?
stretches for 893 km from North to South and for 1316 km from East to West. Magus Ukraine with Russia, Belarus, Moldova, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. In the South it olivastra the Black and Azov seas. Only 5% of the territory is mountainous and the remaining area is plain. On the territory of Ukraine is only part of the ridge of the Carpathian mountains, which are located in neighbouring countries. The largest rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Buh and Donets. They have different origins, and most of them flows into the Black sea. The largest river Dnieper is a major source of electricity. The country has deposits of coal, oil, iron ore and other minerals that are important in the formation of the base for industrial development.