Present Simple: Это настоящее простое: 1. Настаящая форма( положительная) I work. (Я работаю) I read. (Я читаю) Но при местоимениях: She, He, It в конце добавляется "s" She works ( Она работала ) He works (Он работает) 2. Отрицательная форма: I don't work. (Я не работаю) I don't read. (Я не читаю) Но при: She, He , It употребляется doesn't She doesn't work. (Она не работает) 3. Вопросительная : Do you work? ( ты работаешь?) Do you read? (ты читаешь?) She, He, It: Does she work? ( она работает?) Does he read? ( он работает?) Present Continuous: Настоящее длительное Вопросительное простое: I worked ( я работал) He worked She worked We worked Отрицательное: I did not work ( я не работал) He did not work We didn't work They didn't work Вопросительное: Did he work? (ты работал?) did she work? did you work?
1) I want this job because I like working with children! 2) I am the perfect person for this job because it is my vocation! It is very essential to do that thing that you are the best in and love it! 3) I have been working with children for over 15 years. Therefore, I have already got used to the noise they make) 4) I am thought by my collegges to be very responsible, thoughtful, kind and extremely generous. Children never get bored with me! 5) I want children to be more interested in studying. Indeed, plenty of children hate going to school. In my opinion, everything depends on teacher. I wish there were more teachers who would treat their student as their own kids. And I really want it to be more popularized. 6) What is the most essential must-have in your corporation? And how much my work is going to be paid?