My first day at school was not so lucky as my parents expected. When we was aproaching to school a heavy rain suddenly began and my beatuful hairdress became wet. My mother was upset very much.
But I did not pay any attention at the rain. I saw that our teacher was a very beatiful young woman, she was clever and kind, and I liked her very much.
She showed us our classroom, the school library, the canteen and the gymnasium. Then she told us about our future lessons. I remember that all things she told us were very interesting for me.
Газе́та — печатное периодическое издание, выходящее под постоянным названием и не реже одного раза в месяц. Прообразом газеты считают древние рукописные сводки новостей. Ещё Юлий Цезарь начал публиковать «Деяния сената», а затем «Ежедневные общественные деяния народа». Римские газеты представляли собой глиняные дощечки, на которых записывали хронику событий. Примерно с 911 года в Китае начал выходить «Цзинь бао» («Столичный вестник»). Название «газета» произошло от наименования мелкой итальянской монеты газетта (итал. gazzetta). В XVI веке за прочтение ежедневного публичного листка с информацией (сообщениями о придворной жизни, торговых новостях, сообщениями из других городов) платили одну газетту. Согласно советскому ГОСТу — «листовое издание в виде одного или нескольких листов печатного материала установленного формата, издательски при к специфике данного периодического издания»[1].
by Winston groom. (present simple) -> the film forrest gump is based on the novel of the same name by winston groom.
2. Many computers/make/last year? (past simple)
3. THE light bulb/invent/by thomas edison. (past simple)
4. Auditions/hold/in the studio next week. (future simple)
5. Toyota cars/not produce/in germany. (present simple)
6. You/meet/in the office early in the morning. (future simple)
7. A fashion show/hold/in the hyatt hotel last week. (past simple)
8. Traffic rules/break/by the man in a yellow t-shirt. (past simple)
9. THE election results/not announce/next week. (future simple)
10. Too much water/use/last year. (past simple)
5. Complete the gaps with the correct adjectives in the parentheses.
1. He's just come from work. He's absolutely _exhausted . (tired/exhausted)
2. Look at that girl. She's absolutely (pretty/gorgeous)
3. Can you close the window, please? It's very in here. (cold/ freezing)
4. Have you cooked something? i'm absolutely (hungry/starving)
5. There was an oak table in the center of the room. it was absolutely (big/enormous)
6. your hands are very Go and wash them. (dirty/filthy) 7. Did you watch that new film on tv yesterday? it was very (interesting/fascinating)
8. Myrzabek felt very when brother took earphones without his permission. (angry/furious)
9. THE TV programme i saw last night was absolutely (bad/