I do not like to travel. I become sour in travel. I have always disliked this. When I was a child, my parents took me to Thailand and then in China, and it was really hard for me. Traveling, it's not a funny rest, it's a everyday boring walking, not interesting boring shopping, a bunch of strangers around, and noise pressing on my ears. On trips, my head always hurts, and I feel bad. Therefore, I believe that it's better to spend time at home, doing your business, or to spend time with your friends.
All of the children were addicted to computer games. Все участвовавшие в обследовании дети имели зависимость от компьютерных игр.
Therefore, I am appealing to discipline. Поэтому я настоятельно призываю к дисциплине.
History and art are more popular with girls than boys at senior level. В старших классах история и искусство более популярны среди девочек, чем среди мальчиков.
Please pay attention to my brother. Будь повнимательнее с моим братом.
I'm just trying to be in fashion and mirror what I see in the magazines. Я просто пытаюсь следовать моде и отражать то, что печатают в журналах.
He just wants to look good in front of his classmates. Он просто хочет хорошо выглядеть, в глазах своих одноклассников.