Dear Lora,
Hi! How are you? Today I want to tell you about the school of my dreams. I study in this school and it really exists. My ideal school is on an island. Our lessons usually are outside in the fresh air. We can sit in a circle on the lawn or under the trees. We have only basic equipment like notebooks, pens and crayons. There are no projectors and we definitely have no laptops in my school. Lessons last half an hour each. We have many interesting lessons like science, wildlife, and nature. In these lessons we usually go on trips to the forest to see wildlife and discuss some problems of nature.
We also do lots of fun after-school activities. Boys mostly enjoy going in for white-water rafting, kayaking and mountain climbing but girls prefer to do gymnastics and swimming. I think in this school all students find activities that he or she likes most.
Also students often travel around the world and learn many things, like the history, culture and language of the places they visit. We already visited such countries as Spain, Italy and Russia. Trips are not something special – they’re part of everyday school life. We try to get knowledge and enjoy life at the same time. This is really great because you have a chance to meet a lot of new people and know about their way of life. All this helps you to widen your horizon and feel happy.
What is your ideal school like?
Write back soon,
1. Do you know where my watch is?
2. Kate’s husband is a doctor. They are all doctors in their family.
3. These are very good examples. Study these examples.
4. The papers you need are on the table.
5. He has a long name and I can never remember it.
6. There is a mistake in the sentence. Correct the mistake.
7. Can you tell me where the station is.
8. Who is a driver of this car? You can’t park cars here.
9. The keys to the exercises you are doing now are on the next page.
10. Do you remember the name of the street where we bought this washing machine?
11. He says he needs new glasses. But the glasses they sell here are very expensive.
12. Remember to take the jacket to the cleaner’s.
13. They say the party was a success.
14. Let’s take a photograph of Nick and July. They are the nice couple.
15. I’m going to the airport. The plane leaves in two hours.
16. I liked presents I received on my birthday.
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