ВЗЯТЬ УРОК ПО СЕРФИНГУ НА БОНДИ-БИЧ! Что лучшего места, чтобы научиться серфить, чем на этом знаменитом один-километровом пляже? Двухчасовой Групповой урок научит вас, как понять условиями для серфинга и практиковать свою технику, прежде чем попасть в воду. Или если вам не по душе серфинг, вы всегда можете покататься на роликах или скейтборде или просто отдохнуть в модном кафе.HAVE A SURFING LESSON ON BONDI BEACH! What better place to leam to surf than on this famous one-kilometre-long beach? The two-hour group lesson will teach you how to understand surfing conditions and to practise your technique before you get into the water. Or if you don't fancy surfing, you could always go rollerblading or skateboarding or simply relax in a trendy cafe.
Let us speak about the largest city of the USA. New York is a very important centre in culture, and really big part of the USA! New York is the largest city in USA and develop really fast. This city is situated in the northwest of the county. In fact, (if you didn't know- New York lies on some islands) . Lots of people think that New York is a capital- don't believe them the capital city is- Washington) New York became famous for his the highest skyscrapers, long streets and popular a Venus. Did you hear about Manhattan? It's a real VIP place! It's the central part of New York) Metropolitan Museum, Chinatown(the name of street) Little Italy- this you can find in Pretty New York. Of course, you have to know about Central Park in Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty! Statue of Liberty- was a gift to USA from France, which was a symbol of peace! In Central Park in Manhattan you can find all kinds of animals!
How are you?
I am fine
Look!It is my car.
Oh,good!But my car is bigger, than your.