Как постичь глаголов ряд, Ведь не все, как shut-shut-shut, Hit-hit-hit и cut-cut-cut? Не об стену ж beat-beat-beaten, Лучше в рифму write-wrote-written.
Wake-woke-woken up, с утра Разболелась голова. Feel-felt-felt температуру, Take-took-taken my микстуру. Пол в квартире sweep-swept-swept, В чистоте всё keep-kept-kept, На досуге dream-dreamt-dreamt:
Как удачу б catch-caught-caught, На Карибы get-got-got. Всю работу б do-did-done, Чтоб на остров run-ran-run, Или лучше fly-flew-flown, Если путь не know-knew-known.
О финансах think-thought-thought, Пару акций sell-sold-sold. К турагенту drive-drove-driven, Тот советы give-gave-given, Мне в деталях tell-told-told. Я дыханье hоld-held-held. Он задорно speak-spoke-spoken, Глобус чуть не break-broke-broken.
Я терпенье lose-lost-lost: Сколько ж это cost-cost-cost? За услуги pay-paid-paid, Дома завтрак make-made-made, С аппетитом eat-ate-eaten, SMS-ки write-wrote-written.
Spring is the most beautiful time of the year, everything starts to bloom, flowers appear and it is possible to walk with friends at least nights. In my spring break I will help my mother to clean the apartment, if I do not need help, I'll go for a walk.
But the weather has definitely failed me. Winter did not want to leave, even at the end of March it was very frosty.
But still, vacations are a vacation and my mood was festive every day.
I managed to go several times to the cinema, a couple of times I was visiting friends that I rarely meet in my daily life - they live far away and after school they do not go to visit them comfortably, and on weekends they always find something for me, caring parents .
I spent the spring break just fine. There have been many interesting events. For example, I went to the movies with my sister, I really liked it, and we will definitely go there again. And, my friend had a birthday, and we celebrated it in a cafe. Then we twice went to competitions in the Palace of Sports that would cheer for our team
Ведь не все, как shut-shut-shut,
Hit-hit-hit и cut-cut-cut?
Не об стену ж beat-beat-beaten,
Лучше в рифму write-wrote-written.
Wake-woke-woken up, с утра
Разболелась голова.
Feel-felt-felt температуру,
Take-took-taken my микстуру.
Пол в квартире sweep-swept-swept,
В чистоте всё keep-kept-kept,
На досуге dream-dreamt-dreamt:
Как удачу б catch-caught-caught,
На Карибы get-got-got.
Всю работу б do-did-done,
Чтоб на остров run-ran-run,
Или лучше fly-flew-flown,
Если путь не know-knew-known.
О финансах think-thought-thought,
Пару акций sell-sold-sold.
К турагенту drive-drove-driven,
Тот советы give-gave-given,
Мне в деталях tell-told-told.
Я дыханье hоld-held-held.
Он задорно speak-spoke-spoken,
Глобус чуть не break-broke-broken.
Я терпенье lose-lost-lost:
Сколько ж это cost-cost-cost?
За услуги pay-paid-paid,
Дома завтрак make-made-made,
С аппетитом eat-ate-eaten,
SMS-ки write-wrote-written.