Напишіть листа своєму другові. Поділіться своїми думками щодо охорони природи. Напишіть про свої шкільні накопичувачі та інші речі, які ви та ваші однокласники робите, щоб покращити світ. Запитайте про діяльність, в якій він / вона бере участь у школі.
1If I was hungry now/I would buy a sandwich 2If I were you?I would buy it.3If he wasn't an actor,he would be a teacher.4If you wore a jumper,you wouldn't be cold.5If you did your homework,you would know the answer.
Cond. 3 unreal past, If +past perfect,wold+have+past participle
1If I had been hungry yesterday afternoon,I would have bought a sandwich2If I hadn't lost my passport,I would be on the plane.3If it hadn't rained.we wouldn't have missed our bus.4 kIf he had stopped smoking he wouldn't have such a terrible cough.