And its home! That is to stones
Stonehenge is one of England's oldest monuments. It is about 5,000 5).
but today it is in 6)
The air pollution from the traffic damages these mysterious, giant 7).
There are many roads and cars around Stonehenge and
must also be very careful when they visit Stonehenge. They mustn't drop 8)
orgum. We must all try to save this wonderful monument!
d and complete.
now leopards were in danger because
If it had not rained last night we would have visited our friends. – Если бы вчера ночью не было дождя, мы бы навестили наших друзей.
If they had invited me I would have gone to yesterday’s dinner party.- Если бы они пригласили меня, я бы пошла на вчерашний обед.
If I had known his address I would have written him at once.- Если бы я знала его адрес, я бы сразу же написала ему.
If I had worked harder at school, I would have gotten better grades.- Если бы я больше занималась в школе, я бы получала более высокие оценки.