1- Australia is located in Oceania between the Indian Ocean and the south Pacific Ocean.
2 Australia is approximately 7,741,220 sq km
3 Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, the Capital is Canberra
4 the majority of the population in australia is located in two widely separated coastal regions, the south east and east, and the south west.
5 Australia has mixed market economy, in having a total Gross Domestic Product of ground A1.69 trillion
6 Mineral facts, brown coal, ucranium, nickel,zinc,gold, iron.
7 Queen Elizabeth II
8 French
ответы выдуманы и не являются достоверной информацией.
1. My best friend is Mark. Мой лучший друг - Марк.
2. He is 12 years old. Ему 12 лет.
3. Mark studies at school. Марк учится в школе.
4. He is tall and slim. Он высокий и стройный.
5. Mark has brown hair. У Марка тёмные волосы.
6. He has blue eyes. У него голубые глаза.
7. Mark is honest and talkative. Марк честный и разговорчивый.
8. He is also well-read. Он также начитан.
9. Mark's hobby is playing football. Хобби Марка - футбол.
10. We often walk in the park together. Мы часто вместе гуляем в парке.