My favorite holiday is Halloween. I dream to attend this festival. Halloween is always celebrated on 31 October. On that night, many people will look like frightening creatures such as vampires or ghosts. They do this with the help of special clothing and face paint. On the night of Halloween, American children wear masks and other clothing. They go from house to house shouting "Trick or Treat!" If the people in the houses do not give them a treat, kids can make fun of them. Some adults wear costumes and attend Halloween parties. They also decorate their homes. They can clean the interior of the pumpkin and cut out funny faces on the surface. Then they put a candle inside. Some hang fake bats, spider webs and other things around the house.
New York city is a one of the most famous city in the world. But few know how it is beautiful in the night. Manhattan city lights literally turn night into day. Just think of the tallest skyscrapers with their bright night lights. Many photos have tried to convey this beauty, but no pictures can be compared with the real scenery. That is what is really known the New York.
Нью-Йорк - один из самых знаменитых городов в мире. Но лишь некоторые знают, как прекрасен он ночью.Городские огни Манхэттена буквально превращают ночь в день. Просто подумайте о самых высоких небоскребах, с их ярким ночным светом. Много фотографий пытались передать эту красоту, но ни одна картинка не не может) соревноваться с реальным пейзажем. Вот чем в действительности знаменит Нью-Йорк.
1) has to
2) have
3) have to
4) have to