Values Of Life
Every person is individual. All of us we are smart people, we have education, family and friends, happy and bad moments, some lessons in the past. All these experiences give us good values and we keep them all our life.
I can say, in general values can be different: family, friends, money, career, relationships and so on. Basically, people have all these values but on different positions.
There are people whose priority is their family. I always admire these people. When you choose family, I mean your husband, children and parents, you are always rich people. You will always have love, support and help in your life. I would say these people are rich forever.
There are people are ready to do everything for friends. I understand them, but I have never met real friends in my life yet.
Some people build career all the life. Usually they have good position in a good company, they earn money and they can have beautiful life. I would like to have a good profession in future, but career will never become my priority. As my parents say: when you become old, career will not bring a cup of water for you. And this is so true.
Unfortunately, today there are many people that want to have only money. Usually teenagers are so, because they want to have a big house, bank account and travel a lot. It’s hardly possible, because you have to build everything step by step. But you have to remember, that most important things: love and health you will never buy. Money only help us to buy things, but never friends, respect, support and happiness.
Personally for me, my values are health, family and education. Family is my help and support. Education hopefully will give me good future and job. And health will help me to realize all my dreams in future. I can not say, that I am right, but everyone has to make a choice for their life.
1. Doctors cure patients
Patients are cured by doctors.
2. Mother prepares dinner every night.
Dinner is prepared by mother every night.
3. They don't teach Spanish at my school.
Spanish is not taught at my school.
4. The postman only delivers letters on Mondays in this village.
Letters are delivered only on Monday in this village.
1. Врачи лечат больных пациентов.
Больных лечат врачи.
2. Мама готовит ужин каждый вечер.
Ужин готовится мамой каждый вечер.
3. В моей школе не учат испанскому языку.
Испанский язык в моей школе не преподаётся.
4. В этой деревне почтальон доставляет письма только по понедельникам.
Письма в эту деревню доставляются только по понедельникам.