Most people think that family is the main thing in life. But some people don’t agree with them and I think those people aren’t right.
In my opinion, family is very important because when you grow up in family you feel that your relatives support you and listen to your opinion. It’s very important because your future depends on your family.
Besides, your mother or father can give you a piece of advice when you need it. Sometimes it’s necessary for a child to feel support and protection from his or her parents.
What is more, people create families when they love each other. It means that in their family everything will be all right and they will be a part of the society.
In conclusion, I want to say that family is something that society can’t exist without. It helps young people to understand who they are and who they want to become in the future.
Начало Реформации положило выступление в Германии в 1517 со своими позициями, или как их ещё называли «тезисы для дискуссии», августинского монаха Мартина Лютера. Идеологи Реформации выдвинули тезисы, которыми фактически отрицалась необходимость католической церкви с её иерархией и духовенства вообще. Отвергалось католическое Священное предание, отрицались права церкви на земельные богатства и др.Реформация дала толчок Крестьянской войне 1524—1527 годов, которая охватила сразу многие германские княжества. В 1532 году было издано общегерманское уголовно-судебное уложение «Каролина».Реформация положила начало нескольким религиозным войнам в Германии, завершившимся в 1648 Вестфальским миром. В результате была закреплена раздробленность Германии.
In my opinion, family is very important because when you grow up in family you feel that your relatives support you and listen to your opinion. It’s very important because your future depends on your family.
Besides, your mother or father can give you a piece of advice when you need it. Sometimes it’s necessary for a child to feel support and protection from his or her parents.
What is more, people create families when they love each other. It means that in their family everything will be all right and they will be a part of the society.
In conclusion, I want to say that family is something that society can’t exist without. It helps young people to understand who they are and who they want to become in the future.