1.Each team tries to ... c. score a goal
2.If a team wins? the are called ... h. the winners
3.The players of the other team are called ... f. the opponents
4.We call the instructor of a team ... g. a coach
5.If a team loses the match, they are ... i. the losers
6.There’s usually a leader of a team or ... j. the captain
7.A part of a game of tennis is called ... b. a set
8.We call correct play ... d. fair play
9.The person who does the long jump is ... e. a long jumper
10. 2:2 means that the match ended in a. a draw
A Magic Island
Once I had a dream about a beautiful island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. It was a magic island. There were a lot of wonders there. In the centre of the island there was a high mountain covered with trees and shrubs. The mountain was home to colourful dragons. Around the mountain there was a large forest with lots of other unusual anumals. I saw tiny elephants with wings that could fly like bees, a pair of loveliest unicorns drinking crystal clear water from the forest brook, and big rainbow-coloured birds sitting in the trees. I liked this island very much!
Волшебный остров
Однажды мне приснился красивый остров где-то в Тихом океане. Это был волшебный остров. Там было много чудес. В центре острова была высокая гора, покрытая деревьями и кустарниками. На горе жили разноцветные драконы. Вокруг горы был большой лес с множеством других необычных животных. Я видел крошечных слонов с крыльями, которые могли летать, как пчелы, пару прекрасных единорогов, пьющих кристально чистую воду из лесного ручья, и больших радужных птиц, сидящих на деревьях. Мне очень понравился этот остров!
1 my
2 much
3 anybody
4 many
5 anything
6 yours