1. Nina (celebrated) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there (were) many flowers in it. When I (came) in, somebody (was playing) the piano, two or three pairs (were dancing). 2. Listen! Somebody (is playing) the piano. 3. I (like) music very much. 4. When I (looked) out of the window, it (was raining) heavily and people (were hurrying) along the streets. 5. What were you (doing) at seven o'clock yesterday? - - I (was having) supper. 6. When I (came) home yesterday, I (saw) that all my family (were sitting) round the table. Father (was reading) a letter from my uncle who (lives) in Kiev. 7. Where were you yesterday? — I (was) at home the whole day. — How strange. I (rang) you up at two o'clock, but nobody (answered). — Oh, I (was) in the garden. I (was reading) your book and (did not hear) the telephone. 8. What were you (doing) at five o'clock yesterday? — I (was working) in the library. — I (was) there, too, but I (did not see) you. 9. Yesterday I (was working) at my English from five till seven. 10. It (was raining) the whole day yesterday. 11. Where is your sister now? — She (was) in her room. She (was doing) her homework.
Present Simple и Present Continuous – это времена, которые выражают действие в настоящем. Несмотря на эту общую черту, у них есть свои особенности употребления. Для того чтобы разобраться, какое время использовать в каждом отдельном случае, необходимо подробнее остановиться на каждом из времен.
Present Simple – это простое настоящее время. Также его называют Present Indefinite – настоящее неопределенное. Как видно из названия, данное время употребляется для описания действий, происходящих в настоящем.
Во многих английских предложениях можно встретить такие слова, которые указывают на определенное время. Это так называемые «маркеры времени». На Present Simple могут указывать такие слова как:
- usually – обычно
- often - часто
- always - всегда
- seldom/rarely - редко
- hardly ever - почти никогда
- occasionally - время от времени
- every day/week - каждый день/ каждую неделю
- sometimes - иногда
- in the morning/in the evening - по утрам/ по вечерам
I usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
We often play basketball after classes.
He always comes to school at 9 o’clock.
She seldom goes for a walk with her friends.
They hardly ever do their homework on weekends.
I occasionally go to the cinema with my classmates.
I drink juice every day.
Sometimes they speak about politics.
I make my bed in the morning.
7. Write the words in the correct order to make questions.
2 Why is England so green?
3 Why do you drive so fast?
4. Why is Harriet crying?
5. Why did we get lost?
6. Why does Frank score a lot of goals?
7. Why do you and Jason enjoy camping?
8. Why did Penny and Tina arrive late at the concert?
9. Why is Cara always tired?
Look of exercise 7. Write answers. Use "because", a pronoun and the words from the box.
not leave home on time, go to bed late, go the wrong way,
be in a hurry, like being outside, be a good player, it rain a lot there, be sad
2 Because it rains a lot there.
3 Because I am always in a hurry.
4. Because she is sad.
5. Because we went the wrong way.
6. Because he is a good player.
7. Because we like being outside.
8. Because they did not leave home on time.
9. Because she goes to bed late.