2 They're not studying French. They're studying Spanish.
3 She isn't wearing jeans. She's wearing trousers.
4. You're not eating a chicken sandwich. You're eating a bacon sandwich.
5 We aren't watching the news. We're watching a talk show.
6 He's not going to town. He's going to work
1. I should followed her advice
2. Roger could swim when he was 3 years old
3. You couldn't see me yesterday because i eas in New York.
4. She drives a Ferrari, (so) she must be very rich.
5. Could i leave <...>
6. <...>, and i should send her a card
7. Can you make a real Italian pizza?
8. I must recommend <...>
9. The car couldn't run out of petrol. <...>
10. I didn't have to work <...>
11. <...> it ought to <...>
12. <...> I might drop them <...>
13. Dave can <...> but he can't <...>
14. <...> Anna might doing? <...>
15. <...> Them i'm sure you must be very hungry
16. <...> she must have forgotten <...>
17. My doctor says that i should avoid <...>
18. <...> i couldn't meet you <...>
19. We could stop <...>
20. <...> so John must received it.
21. <...> It might be the children upstairs.
22. <...> We may took a wrong turning.
23. I shouldn't eat this shellfish.
24. You have to relax <...>
25 на сайте нет, <...> обозначены все части предложения, которые не требуют изменений :)
Дисахари́ди — вуглеводи, які при нагріванні з водою в присутності мінеральних кислот чи під дією ферментів зазнають гідролізу і розкладаються на дві молекули моносахаридів. Дисахариди легко розчиняються у воді, добре кристалізуються, солодкі на смак. ... Найпоширеніші дисахариди: сахароза (цукор), лактоза, мальтоза.Дисахари́ди — вуглеводи, які при нагріванні з водою в присутності мінеральних кислот чи під дією ферментів зазнають гідролізу і розкладаються на дві молекули моносахаридів. Дисахариди легко розчиняються у воді, добре кристалізуються, солодкі на смак. ... Найпоширеніші дисахариди: сахароза (цукор), лактоза, мальтоза.
2 They aren't studying French
3 She isn't wearing jeans
4 You aren't eating a chicken sandwich
5 We aren't watching the news
6 He isn't going to town