, с complex subject Make these complex sentences simple ones. Use Subjective-with-the Infinitive Construction.
1. It is supposed that the river flows in this direction. 2. It is said that his childhood was very difficult. 3. It is expected that you will take these things for granted. (принимать как должное) 4. It seemed to me that he didn’t notice me. 5. It seems that the circumstances have become strange indeed. 6. It is said that he owned a very good library. 7. It was told that he would find out a few more things about the whole business. 8. It seems that the man doesn’t recognize you. 9. It proves that she has done it especially for you. 10. It is said that the Victoria Falls are very beautiful. 11. It was said that she had the first edition of the book. 12. Maybe, she will buy the first edition of the book. 13. It seems that this isn’t the right key. 14. It happens that the man isn’t a stranger here. 15. It is supposed that you will be grateful when somebody does something of the kind for you. 16. It turns out that she is used to the thought that they’ll have to move to another flat. 17. For some reason or other, it doesn’t seem that she is grateful at all. 18. It appears that the composition is interesting.
ответ: i should read a book
You should go to the doctor
You should listen the teacher
I should do that
We should do homework
I shouldn't eat in the classroom
We shouldn't go to the cinema
They shouldn't play the football
I shouldn't play a phone
I shouldn't read the magazine
Объяснение:мне следует прочитать ету книгу
Тебе следует пойти к врачу
Тебе следует слушать учителя
Мне следует заделать ето
Нам следует зделать д.з
Мне не следует есть в классе
Нам не следует идти в кинотеатр
Им не следует играть в футбол
Мне не следует играть в телефон
Мне не следует читать газету