Ex 3 p 92 5 класс умоля Find parts of the dialogue which mean: 1 Oh no! 2 What is the problem? 3 I'm terrified of spiders. 4 How about giving it a try?
A doctor's schedule will differ depending on the kind of medicine they practice. Some doctors work in an office, others in the hospital, and some in places you may not think of, like laboratories where they develop new medicines and research cures.
A doctor typically works very long hours and has to be available for emergencies. These hours are spent seeing patients in an office-based setting, running tests as well as interpreting them, prescribing medicine or treatments, doing rounds in the hospital, making notes on patient's physical conditions, advising patients on how to stay healthy and talking to them about further treatment. They keep up to date by taking classes and regularly reading books and medical journals.
A doctor that also performs surgeries will usually work two or three full days in the office and then two or three days in the hospital operating room performing surgeries. Doctors will also invest time completing administrative duties such as updating patient records, returning phone calls or dealing with various office issues.
Привет, мой друг! Как у тебя дела? У меня все хорошо. Недавно мы ездили в ботанический сад. Это великолепое место. Там очень много разных и красивых растений. Там есть растения которые занесены в красную книгу. Расскажи о том, что случилось с тобой. Напиши мне. Прощай
Hello my friend! How are you? I am fine. Recently, we went to a botanical garden. This majestic place. There's a lot of different and beautiful plants. There are plants that are listed as endangered. Tell me about what happened to you. Write me. Goodbay
1 oh my goodness! 2 what's wrong! 3 I'm afraid of spiders 4 would you like to try?