Day of embraces - the young international holiday celebrated on January 21 and on December 4.
According to tradition of a holiday to conclude in friendly embraces it is possible even strangers.
It was based in the USA in 1986, and then promptly extended worldwide. Despite young age of this holiday, today it is difficult to find his author: it is not known, to whom for the first time such idea of "close" celebration came to the head on January 21 and why this date is chosen. It is considered that initiators of a holiday are students. This day guys and girls concluded in the embraces of each other. On peculiar "belief", during friendly embrace people exchange warmth. There are also "scientific" justifications of utility of embraces: friendly touches increase immunity, stimulate the central nervous system, raise level of the hemoglobin causing a benevolent arrangement to other people in blood.
In the original it is the whole two holidays: National Hugging Day is celebrated on January 21, and International Hug Day on December 4 is noted.
Psychologists consider that people who aspire to clasp you in arms, want to have a feeling of safety, comfort and love. And embraces accompany us throughout all life. We embrace friends and native at a meeting, after separation, we embrace each other to express the pleasure and gratitude.
Pleasantly that celebration won't demand any material inputs. You should award only generously the heat of all whom will consider the necessary. Congratulating on a holiday, to present to the relatives and favourite people of embrace as a sign of a warm attitude to them, to remind that of the sincere warm feelings.
Сегодня я опишу русский фильм. Фильм называется Т-34.В нем описывается очень хорошо война о том как сложно было нашим дедам и прадедам воевать.Танк Т-34 это самый сильный танк который изготовился в давних годах а именно 1940. Данный фильм мне понравился тем что там очень хорошо описана война и можно понять как было сложно и не терпко в те года когда небыло не хлеба не еды и тем более воды.
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