Big Ben is one of the most popular places of interest in London and symbols of England. Every year many people visit the capital of Great Britain to see it and take some photos with it in the background. It is thought that Big Ben is a high tower with a very big clock, but that’s not really true.
In fact, this tower is called Saint Stephens Tower, but people, even those who live in the UK, are used to calling it "Big Ben." Actually, Big Ben is the huge bell inside the building. Its weight is about thirteen tons and it rings every hour daily: once at one o'clock, twice at two o'clock and so on. However, people who live near the tower can hear at New Year’s Night how the bell strikes thirteen. It’s considered to be the biggest bell ever made in the country. The bell was firstly used in 1859 and was cracked soon because of the heavy hammer, which struck too strong. After this situation the hammer was changed, but that crack is still there.
There are many hypotheses for the origin of the name “Big Ben”. The most popular one suggests that the bell was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was responsible for the installation. Some of people say he was really tall and that’s why this bell is called big, but the majority believe it is called Big because of its size.
Big Ben is one of the best-known landmarks in Europe. Nowadays the word Big Ben connects the bell, the clock and the tower at the same time. The tower is closed to the general public, but people with a "special interest" might offer an excursion for additional payment.
Структура и план эссеСтруктура эссе определяется предъявляемыми к нему требованиями:мысли автора эссе по проблеме излагаются в форме кратких тезисов (Т).мысль должна быть подкреплена доказательствами - поэтому за тезисом следуют аргументы (А).Аргументы - это факты, явления общественной жизни, события, жизненные ситуации и жизненный опыт, научные доказательства, ссылки на мнение ученых и др. Лучше приводить два аргумента в пользу каждого тезиса: один аргумент кажется неубедительным, три аргумента могут "перегрузить" изложение, выполненное в жанре, ориентированном на краткость и образность.Таким образом, эссе приобретает кольцевую структуру (количество тезисов и аргументов зависит от темы, избранного плана, логики развития мысли):вступлениетезис, аргументытезис, аргументытезис, аргументызаключение. Я - Гражданин Российской Федерации. Как гордо это звучит. Но все ли имеют право носить это звание ? На мой взгляд, каждый должен оправдать и подтвердить свое право именоваться Гражданин.Я - Гражданин РФ, должен своим близким и тем людям, которые меня окружают.Я- Гражданин РФ, должен любить и уважать свою Родину, защищать ее, выполнять свой Гражданский Долг , соблюдать законы и правовые нормы моей Страны.Я должен нести ответственность за свои действия. Я должен заботиться о благосостоянии своей страны, задумываться о проблемах экологической безопасности. Настоящий Гражданин всегда Патриот. Каждый должен любить и ценить богатую культуру нашей страны. Ведь Россия всегда была так щедра талантами ! Великие ученые, музыканты. поэты, писатели... Сколько мужественных подвигов совершили наши сограждане, когда вставали на защиту Родины от врагов и захватчиков.Вслушайтесь в эти слова... Моральноотвественный, нравственный, честный, смелый... Настоящий Человек. Именно такими должны быть Граждане нашей страны. Именно таким буду стремиться быть я.
Spring is the most beautiful time of the year, everything starts to bloom, flowers appear and it is possible to walk with friends at least nights. In my spring break I will help my mother to clean the apartment, if I do not need help, I'll go for a walk.
But the weather has definitely failed me. Winter did not want to leave, even at the end of March it was very frosty.
But still, vacations are a vacation and my mood was festive every day.
I managed to go several times to the cinema, a couple of times I was visiting friends that I rarely meet in my daily life - they live far away and after school they do not go to visit them comfortably, and on weekends they always find something for me, caring parents .
I spent the spring break just fine. There have been many interesting events. For example, I went to the movies with my sister, I really liked it, and we will definitely go there again. And, my friend had a birthday, and we celebrated it in a cafe. Then we twice went to competitions in the Palace of Sports that would cheer for our team
Big Ben is one of the most popular places of interest in London and symbols of England. Every year many people visit the capital of Great Britain to see it and take some photos with it in the background. It is thought that Big Ben is a high tower with a very big clock, but that’s not really true.
In fact, this tower is called Saint Stephens Tower, but people, even those who live in the UK, are used to calling it "Big Ben." Actually, Big Ben is the huge bell inside the building. Its weight is about thirteen tons and it rings every hour daily: once at one o'clock, twice at two o'clock and so on. However, people who live near the tower can hear at New Year’s Night how the bell strikes thirteen. It’s considered to be the biggest bell ever made in the country. The bell was firstly used in 1859 and was cracked soon because of the heavy hammer, which struck too strong. After this situation the hammer was changed, but that crack is still there.
There are many hypotheses for the origin of the name “Big Ben”. The most popular one suggests that the bell was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was responsible for the installation. Some of people say he was really tall and that’s why this bell is called big, but the majority believe it is called Big because of its size.
Big Ben is one of the best-known landmarks in Europe. Nowadays the word Big Ben connects the bell, the clock and the tower at the same time. The tower is closed to the general public, but people with a "special interest" might offer an excursion for additional payment.