Переведите данные предложения с русского на английский язык, используя неличные формы глагола: герундий, инфинитив, причастие I и причастие II.
1. Джон Рэй решил предоставить скидку на данный вид услуг.
2. Он устал ждать решения.
3. Менеджер обещал доставить товары вовремя.
4. Полученный результат бизнес-операции был удовлетворительным.
5. Менеджеры спорили, обсуждая условия оплаты.
1. John ray decided to give a discount on this type of service.
2. He was tired of waiting for a decision.
3. The Manager promised to deliver the goods on time.
4. The result obtained during business operation was satisfactory.
5. Managers argued, discussing payment terms.
My family and I are doing everything possible to lead a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we get a beautiful, well-groomed body and a clean mind. It is also important to engage in various sports, do exercises. It is very important to observe the regime of the day, go to bed on time, because your mood the next day depends on it. You must eat right, eat more fruits and vegetables. It is useful to walk more in the fresh air, ride a bike and walk a lot. It’s not good to sit at the computer for a long time and watch TV. A healthy lifestyle makes a person happier and more fun. When you are healthy, no depression threatens you. Therefore, you should try to develop healthy habits.
1. We are having a great time in Iceland ! - Present Continuous
2. I think it is an amazing place. - Present Simple - to think не употребляется во временах группы Continuous
3. Do you remember the cave in Cotuga ? - Present Simple - to remember не употребляется во временах группы Continuous