WRITING Task 3. Imagine you are on holiday. Write an email to your English friend telling him/her about it (100-160 words). Follow the plan./ Представьте, что вы на каникулах. Напишите электронное письмо своему английскому другу, рассказав ему/ей об этом (100–160 слов). Следуйте плану. / Plan Para 1: opening remarks , where you went, who with Para 2: accommodation, weather, what you are doing now Para 3: sights you saw, means of transport you used to get around Para 4: recommend a trip there, closing remarks
Kurgaldzhino reserve is located in the steppes of the Tselinograd region and occupies freshwater lake Kurgaljin, part of the salt lake Tengiz with adjacent coastal sites located in the lower reaches of the river Nura and Kalakutas. The reserve area of 193.5 thousand hectares It is organized in 1968 in order to preserve the area of Kazakhstan and rare nesting birds pink flamingos. The predominant area of the reserve (107.7 thousand ha) occupies the surface of lakes Kurgaljin and Tengiz and marshy coasts. The reserve covers just a narrow strip of fescue-feather grass steppes adjacent to the lake Kurgaljin, and its coast with dense reed beds. Numerous nesting waterfowl, especially geese and ducks, many swans. Occasionally bustard ordinary, Houbara bustard and little bustards - first of the typical inhabitants of virgin lands of Kazakhstan steppes. Another rare white Heron. On lake Tengiz is the most Northern in the world breeding rare birds pink flamingos. In the reeds found boars. Tengiz-Kurgaldzhin lake concentration of a huge number of waterfowl during spring flights, making Kurgaldzhino reserve gained world fame. It is included in the UNESCO world heritage list, as a specially protected landscape of marsh and lake areas.
Напишите ответы и будьте готовы ответить перед классом. когда вы делаете эти вещи? 1. встаете - I get up at : 7am 2. завтракаете - I have breakfast at : 7:20am 3. отдыхаете - I have rest at... 4. обедаете - I have lunch at.. 3. идете в школу - I go to school at.. 4. выгуливаете собаку - I walk the dog at.. every day 5. смотрите тв - I watch TV at.. I like cartoons 6. идете спать - I go to bed at.. 7. делаете домашнюю работу - I do my home work at.. 8. читаете книги - I read books at.. usually it's novels(романы), detective stories(детективы) 9. ужинаете - I have dinner at.. 10. гуляете - I go for a walk at.. every evening with my friends. 11. идете на работу - I go to work at.. или I don't go to work, because I m a pupil. 12. чистите в своей комнате - I clean my room at.. in Sunday